WKN World: WKN Continues Development of Indian Combat Sports Market

The WKN world office schedules an official visit to India in February 2017.

WKN President Stephane Cabrera and director Osman Yigin will travel to India for an official meeting and seminar next February. The target is to continue a solid collaboration and successful development of combat sports in India that is cooperated with Mr Somesh Kamra of Mumbay Superhuman Gym and the WKN international coordinator Mr Hakan Hozan.

Over the years the World Kickboxing Network guides numerous athletes from India internationally. Among everyone it includes Ratnadiptee Shimpi taking part in the 2014 Bigger’s Better Girl Power edition in Riga, Latvia and Bharat Khandare competed at 2016 Ganryujima 3.25 in Tokyo, Japan.

The following event will see Aditya Katkade taking part in the All Asia 8 Man Tournament at Ganryujima 10.21 on October 21 in Tokyo, Japan.

WKN looks forwards to the international promotion held on Indian soil in 2017.

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