WKN World: Statement on scam by Yamaguchi Noboru, head of SEiZA Japan

Yamaguchi Noboru, SEiZA – a dishonest Japanese company

As one of the leaders in the world of combat sports, we feel the responsibility to warn the public and other sports groups about the scam of Japanese company “SEiZA”, headed by Mr. Yamaguchi Noboru.

Mr. Yamaguchi Noboru, SEiZA is in financial debt in accordance with the contract signed ahead of the “Team SEiZA vs. Team Greece” event held on January 19, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.

In accordance with the contract Mr. Yamaguchi Noboru, SEiZA, is obligated to refund WKN Ltd in full such expenses as: travel costs, athletes prize fee, among other expenses, which WKN has covered in advance (paid in full) for the National Team of Greece, which took part in the event.

To date Mr. Yamaguchi Noboru, SEiZA, has not honored his part of the contract.

Over the last 18 months a number of letters have been sent to Mr. Yamaguchi Noboru, SEiZA, by the attorney. No response have been received.

WKN has been in the field of combat sports for 25 years. This is the first time when we come across an incident of this kind.

By this action Mr. Yamaguchi Noboru, SEiZA has disgraced the fundamental principles of Martial Arts and Bushido code for the entire world, and particularly for Japan, which is a cradle of Martial Arts.

A further legal action is being taken regarding the matter.

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