WKN Tanzania: World class kickboxing comes to Zanzibar

WKN President Stephane Cabrera and former Kickboxing World Champion Osman Yigin visit Zanzibar, Tanzania. The travel follows the 2016 development of kickboxing in Iran, and 2014 journey to Nepal.

The list of activities includes a special meeting with Zanzibar’s Minister for Information, Tourism and Sports, the Hon. Rashid Ali Juma and Mr. Emmanuel Mlundwa, WKN Tanzania representative since 2003, who is the former Olympic boxer, participating in Summer Olympics in Moscow 1980 and Montreal 1976.

Former boxer Ashraf Suleiman has been appointed as a new WKN representative in Zanzibar. Sport deputy the hon. Chum Kombo Khamis has been appointed as WKN honorary member.

World Kickboxing Network has already been active in Tanzania back in 2009 when a series of events were held in the city Dar Es Salaam. The organization continues its aspiration to help popularizing Sport in each particular country and beyond.

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