WKN Korea: Stephane Cabrera Meets The Khan Promotion Group in Seoul

World Kickboxing Network president Stephane Cabrera travels to Seoul, Korea where he meets The Khan promotion group leaders Myungkyu Yang and Kyung Junghyun and visits K-Max Gym.

January 2017, Seoul, Korea – WKN world president Stephane Cabrera is currently in Asia. He has recently attended the Ganryujima 6 Tokyo martial arts show on January 3 in Japan. Next Thursday, January 19 Cabrera returns to the Country of the Rising Sun to assist the debut event of SEiZA Girl’s Budo Entertainment – Japan vs Greece.

During the two week interval in between of these two Fuji network televised fight shows, WKN head Cabrera traveled to Seoul. The Khan promotion group, CEO Mr Myungkyu Yang, matchmaker Mr Kyung Junghyun and K-Max Gym owner Jaegil Noh, gave him a warm welcome, showing Korean great hospitality.

The World Kickboxing Network collaborates with The Khan promotion group, which is considered as the biggest kickboxing organization in Korea.

Full Contact Night Nice, France – April 22, 2017
WKN Kickboxing World Championship / Bantamweight / 12x2mn
Jerome Ardissone (France) vs Jin Ho Park (Korea)

Simply The Best 10 Prague, Czech Republic – April 15, 2016
WKN Kickboxing International Bout / Oriental Rules / Super Featherweight / 3x3mn
Jan Holec (Czech Republic) vs Chan Hyung (Korea)

Simply The Best 6 Poprad, Slovakia - October 3, 2015
WKN Kickboxing Intercontinental Championship / Oriental Rules / Lightweight / 5x3mn
Samuel Hadzima (Slovakia) vs Chan-Hyung Lee (Korea)

La Nuit Des Titans Charleroi, Belgium - November 23, 2014
WKN Muay Thai Intercontinental Championship / Lightweight / 5x3mn
Allan ‘Polek’ Gozdzicki (Belgium) vs Dong Su Kim (Korea)

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