WKN Japan: Team World Wins 3:2 vs Team Greece at SEiZA 1/19

International Team SEiZA defeats Team Greece at the debut of Girl’s Budo entertainment on Thursday January 19 in Tokyo.

SEiZA is a mixed martial arts event produced by Mr Yamaguchi. The project targets to top up the level of sports entertainment in Japan. The women only competition matches the athletes of different fighting disciplines.

Five bouts featured on the program of the debut show. Team Greece squared off with the international competitors. Team SEiZA earned the majority decision winning 3 out of 5 challenges.

Fight Results

Tabatha Ricci (Brazil) wins in R1 (1 min, 40 sec) vs Sofia Karga (Greece)

Violeta Kalaidopoulou (Greece) wins in R2 (1 min, 2 sec) vs Radha Manandhar (Nepal)

Christina Kousta (Greece) wins in R1 (2 min, 12 sec) vs Rajina Vista (Nepal)

Nanae Takahashi (Japan) wins in R2 (2 min, 32 sec) vs Marianthi Samouchou (Greece)

Julija Stoliarenko (Lithuania) wins in R1 (38 sec) vs Charikleia Dimitroula (Greece)

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