WKN Japan: Ganryujima 10.21 Results – Katsunori Kikuno Takes All Asia Tournament

Katsunori Kikuno wins All Asia 8 Man Tournament at Ganryujima 10.21 live on Fuji Network on Friday, October 21, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan.

In the opening bout Japanese Katsunori Kikuno eliminated Ha Woon Pyo of Korea. In the semi-finals he defeated Russian Igor Permin. In the championship round he stopped his country-fellow Michihiro Omigawa.

Three WKN Top Team fighters featured on the night. Iran’s pride Ali Mahrou Bakhtiari Iran beat Kuntap Charoenchai of Thailand in the 1/4 of the tournament. He then faced off Michihiro Omigawa who went up to the finals.

Aditya Katkade of India faced a defeat against Japanese Akihiko Mori in the reserve fight.

Italian Michele Verginelli scored the victory over Marcus Lero Aurelio of Brazil in the super fight.

Ganryujima 10.21 is its third successful collaboration with the WKN World Office. Stephane Cabrera, World Kickboxing Network president, flew to Japan to attend the event.

Fight Results

All Asia 8 Man Tournament

1/4 Final

Katsunori Kikuno (Japan) wins by KO R1 vs Ha Woon Pyo (Korea)
Igor Permin (Russia) wins vs Khuukhenkhuu ‘Amaraa’ Amartuvshin (Mongolia)
Michihiro Omigawa (Japan) wins by KO R1 vs Zhang Wensheng (China)
Ali Mahrou Bakhtiari (Iran) wins vs Kuntap Charoenchai (Thailand)

1/2 Final

Michihiro Omigawa (Japan) wins by KO R1 vs Ali Mahrou Bakhtiari (Iran)
Katsunori Kikuno (Japan) wins by TKO R3 vs Igor Permin (Russia)


Katsunori Kikuno (Japan) wins by TKO vs Michihiro Omigawa (Japan)

Reserve Fight
Akihiko Mori (Japan) wins vs Aditya Katkade (India)

Super Fight
Star Style (Mongolia) wins vs Honshu (Nigeria)

Super Fight
Michele Verginelli (Italy) wins vs Marcus Lero Aurelio (Brazil)

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