WKN jr. Indian Ocean championship official at “Eruption des Guerriers” in Reunion island ?? promoted on August 6 by Sully Payet. Official weigh-In K1 rules/4 men tournament : 1/2 final Enzo Brach 69.1 kg Vs Lallemand Rudy 66.6 kg 1.2 final Almovin…
FIGHT NIGHT Saint Tropez ?? unforgettable moments ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YEuOBkOYCgo&feature=youtu.be
Flashback – FIGHT NIGHT Saint Tropez was every August 4th The most prestigious VIP Kickboxing event in the world sanctioned exclusively by the WKN Relive the atmosphere of a unique & unforgettable organization.
Andrea Mascia on top in Sardinia
Ketaieb vs Zahe https://youtu.be/mtWoMIej3GU
Ketaieb vs Zahe WKN World championship in Saint-Raphael that will be remembered by Marc Santoni
Hakim Ketaieb Simply the Best Word from the world President : “The WKN has been working with Mr Badri Rouhabia and his Excellent team of boxers for more than a decade. This championship between two high level fighters was electric…
New PROKICK Gym in Belfast, home of the new rising stars from all the United Kingdom. Mr Billy Murray prepares WKN title fights events which will be organized throughout the year at regular intervals in this fabulous venue. https://prokick.com/…/prokick-gym-will-became-an-iconic-lan…
Former WKN World Champion with 120 professional fights to his credit, coordinator and promoter for the WKN, creator of the famous organization HDH and of the team Espana Impérial & Méguro Gym, national team coach of Muay Thai & MMA,…
Day one for New ProKick gym in Belfast